Varicose Vein Treatment Options for Men

If you have been hiding unsightly varicose veins or are concerned about swelling in the legs, don’t overlook some treatment options and lifestyle changes that can relieve pain — and even reduce the problem at its source. Here are some of the most effective varicose vein treatment options for men:


One of the quickest and most effective procedures for shutting down problem veins is the VenaSeal™ Closure System. This procedure can be completed right in the office within 20 minutes and has a 98% success rate. It is a painless, minimally-invasive treatment option for busy men and patients can return to their regular activities immediately after treatment.


Radiofrequency ablation is another option for treating varicose veins. This is a minimally-invasive procedure that involves inserting an ultrasound-guided catheter into the vein. Radiofrequency energy causes the vein walls to collapse and the vein tissue is reabsorbed by the body. This procedure also has a high success rate and statistics show 93% of treated veins remain closed three years after treatment.


If you are waiting for your appointment for a varicose vein procedure or just need some relief from symptoms before you make a decision to undergo a procedure, there are some things you can do to alleviate he swelling and discomfort of varicose veins. Staying active and stretching your legs frequently — especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle — will support healthy circulation and keep your legs healthy. Keeping legs elevated when sitting or lying down ensures blood is moving through the body even if the veins are compromised.

Men with active and busy lifestyles still need to pay attention to any symptoms of venous disease — especially the development of varicose veins. In most cases, varicose veins cannot be prevented but can be treated with minimally-invasive procedures. Learn more about varicose vein treatment options at Empire Vein Specialists by scheduling your free vein screening today.

Vein expert, Dr. Nina Grewal, is taking patients from Inland Empire, Riverside, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley, and surrounding areas of California.

For more information, please call 1.800.VARICOSE.