What is Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is a common, progressive condition in older adults in which blood flow in the arteries of the legs becomes increasingly restricted. If left undiagnosed and untreated, PAD can lead to serious complications may range from cramping and pain in the legs when walking to non-healing wounds and even amputation. In […]
Read MoreWhat You Need To Know About Vein Valves
What are Vein Valves? Interspersed throughout your veins are small crescent-shaped flaps of tissue, known as valves, that help prevent a backflow of blood. These valves project from the innermost layer of the vein wall to the center of the vein and are angled towards the heart in the direction of venous blood flow. Lacking […]
Read MoreAortoiliac Occlusive Disease: Causes and Treatments
Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) refers to the blockage of the aorta or the iliac arteries. The aorta divides into branches called around the level of the navel to supply blood to the legs and the pelvic organs. This blockage typically occurs due to a buildup of plaque within the walls of the blood vessels. Patients […]
Read MoreAortic Dissection: Causes And Treatments
Aortic dissection occurs when the blood enters the arterial wall between the inner and middle layers of the aorta. This condition may occur when the inner layer of the aorta tears, allowing blood to flow from the main area of the artery into the wall. This risk is that the aortic dissection could channel blood […]
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What a Leg Ultrasound Can Reveal About Your Varicose Veins
Ultrasound is one of the gold standard methods for evaluating varicose veins. An ultrasound study produces a comprehensive map of the large and small veins, branching veins, and interconnecting veins of your legs. Ultrasound is often performed as a first step in evaluating varicose veins and also provides valuable follow-up information to monitor the healing […]
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Why Do My Legs Itch, Burn or Feel Heavy? Symptoms of Varicose and Spider Veins, and Their Causes
Symptoms of varicose veins and spider veins can range from barely noticeable to incapacitating and may include sensations such as pressure, heaviness, fatigue, stiffness, aching, and itching. These symptoms can wax and wane depending on various factors and can vary from person to person. Varicose vein and spider vein symptoms can also be confused with […]
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8 Tips to Stay Active When Working From Home for Vein Health
During the pandemic, many employers began offering their employees the option to work from home. This arrangement has worked out well and workers are reporting that they’re happier and more productive than before. However, working from home may also include a loss of healthy habits, like working out at the gym on the way to […]
Read MoreHow to Have Healthy Veins with These 6 Tips
Whether you have varicose veins currently or if you have some of the risk factors and want to minimize your risks and potential complications, there are safe and effective ways to improve your vein health. Following are simple lifestyle habits proven to improve vein health and reduce symptoms of varicose veins. Eat Lots of Fiber […]
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The Risk of Blood Clots from Varicose Veins
The tissues of the human body are nourished through a consistent and healthy flow of blood from head to toe. This is a delicate system that functions effectively for most people. However, disruptions in blood flow have the potential to interrupt normal activities, cause pain, or create critical health issues. Blood clots are widely recognized […]
Read MoreCauses and Treatments of Legs Swelling
Leg Swelling Related to Inflammation Swelling in the legs due to inflammation can be caused by a number of underlying health conditions. Normally the endothelial surface is smooth and allows the blood to flow freely. However, when there is increased pressure in the veins, such as from faulty valves or activities that involve prolonged standing […]
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Teachers and Varicose Veins: 6 Things Teachers Can Do to Improve Leg and Vein Health
While genetics play a big role in determining who gets varicose veins and who doesn’t, factors such as your occupation, lifestyle habits, even your diet also enter into the equation. Occupations that involve a lot of standing are known to increase risk and teaching falls squarely in that category. Varicose veins are consistently at the […]
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Varicose Vein Myths Part 2 (of 2)
Myths and misconceptions about varicose veins and varicose vein treatments cause many people to delay care. This results in needless suffering and limits people’s ability to live life to the fullest. Here we present the second installment of our 2-part series (see Part 1 here) in which we dispel varicose vein myths so that more people […]
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